Все кто играл в версию 0.2...Тот знает, что за зверь этот мод.
+ Англия
+ Франция
+ Кастиле и Леон
+ Арагон
+ Муры(Мавры)
+ Турки
+ Египт
+ Дания
+ Португалия
+ Польша
+ Венгрия
+ Нарва
+ Венеция
+ Византия
+ Pisa
+ Новгород
+ Киев
+ Куманс
+ Крестоносцы
+ Сицилия
+ Литва
+ Генуя
+ Богемия
+ Милан
+ Шотландия
26-фракций. Нет Монгол. Изменения под
-Added new textures to Pisa, Genoa, Kievan Rus, Novgorod, Cumans, Crusaders States, Lithuanians, Bohemia, Navarre, Castile&Leon, Aragon, Denmark and France
-all factions will have their respective coat of arms (no longer the rebel one for the new factions).
-Republics are no longer immortal. When these factions are destroyed you will see the ”faction destroyed” message.
-New units:
-Hussite crossbowman is now an exclusive bohemian unit
-Hussite hand gunner (Bohemia)
-Novgorodian cavalry (Novgorod)
-Lithuanian axeman (Lithuanians)
-Besteiros do Conto (Portugal)
-Cavaleiros-Vilхes (Portugal)
-navarrense javelinman (Navarre)
-Several new units for Crusaders (for example, Frankish Knights, militias, archers, Dismounted templar knights, Dismounted teutonic knights, etc…)
-Portugal, Caslile&Leon and Aragon will be able to recruit templars and hospitalars
-Longbowman mercenaries. Only catholic factions will be able to recruit them and you can find them in 4 regions: Guimarгes, Coimbra, Lisboa and Silves.
and many others…
-Portuguese knights will have maces as a secondary weapon
-A completely new model for Almughavars.
-The technological tree was reviewed for all factions. For example, only Genoa will be able to recruit Genoese crossbowman and Milan no longer has that unit; Bohemia are unable to recruit ”Zweihander”, etc…
-Added a new guild: The order of Aviz. This guild is exclusive for the Portuguese faction and there you will be able to recruit Knights of St. Benedict of Aviz.
-Flags and coat of arms of Aragon is more realistic (thanks to Almogaver for giving us some tips)
-Flags and coat of arms of France was improved.
-Added the ”Character Names Project Mod”. We also added new names to Navarre and Aragon (once again, thanks to Almogaver and Yuiis for helping us).
-new menus
-new music for the Mediterranean culture
-Added new texture to the campaign map
- New loading screens
-added names to provinces
-cities in the campaign map are now more developed (because the campaign begins in the 12th centuary). Some cities will have guilds in the begining.
-added 13 new events (for example, the birth of Thomas of Aquino, the construction of the ”La Torre di Pisa”, etc…)
-Added more 6 regions to the Portvcale v0.2 map. 3 of them are located in Ireland, one in Denmark (Roskilde), another for Hungary (Esztergom) and other for Cumans (Azak)
-Removed some cities and added new ones to replace them (for example, we replaced Sofia for Velinko Tarnoko; Olso for Bergen; Stockholm for Uppsala, etc…)
-more forest in Eastern Europe
-Fixed the ”Dead Sea” bug
-Tangier and Athens will now have a port
-Some capitals were changed: the Turkish capital is now Iconium; the Danish capital is now Roskilde and the Hungarian capital is Esztergom
- New colours for Hungary
- New factions will now begin the campaigns with more agents
-Characters and armies movement points were reduced when compared with the version 0.2.
-Added 63 new rebel factions
-The ability ”hide anywhere” was removed
- Added the family tree for Lithuanians
- Livonia is now an independent nation
Сообщение отредактировал Alex_teri: 25 февраля 2011 - 13:53